In Holistic Foundations, you will discover that you have the power to heal, grow, and improve your everyday wellbeing. The holistic approach recognizes the interconnectedness of all areas of life, understanding that when one area is unbalanced or undergoing change, it can affect other areas as well. From nutrition and lifestyle, to family and career, physical and mental health, as well as spiritual and earthly aspects, we will explore them all in depth during this 6 Week Fresh Start!

For parents, counselors, caregivers, and anyone supporting others with love, respect, and compassion, we gain a fresh perspective and a variety of methods to help our loved ones grow. By exploring and doing our own inner work, we can nurture their confidence, hope, and self-awareness.

Every being is meant to be incredibly unique, but in modern society, the concept of honoring individual expression and health is often streamlined to cater to the masses. This raises questions about how something good or beneficial for one person could potentially be harmful or deadly to another.

In this 6-week Intensive, you have the opportunity to start fresh and embark on a journey towards what could be the most amazing year of your life. Throughout these 6 weeks, you will learn and practice teachings and trainings, and I will share both my successes and some moments that weren’t as impressive, along with the valuable lessons I’ve learned from my own experiences over the past 20 years. With this knowledge, you will enter this year and future years with a deep understanding of what truly resonates with you as a unique individual. Embracing a completely new perspective that is entirely your own, you will approach all aspects of life with a clear sense of purpose and renewed clarity.

All the way down to each tiny part that makes up our body… You are special and have special needs, a special way of thinking, a special perspective… and a unique point of view that only YOU possess! I decide to respect this part of our human existence and encourage others to discover how you can liberate yourself from outside influences and teachings in order to fully comprehend who you are and to ultimately… live according to your intuition and instincts…

These weeks spent together will teach you everything you need in order to start becoming the person you truly are… the person hidden deep inside you. We will focus on cleansing our body and creating a healthy space around us. We will also explore different forms of meditation and other ways to feel connected and present. Finally, we will let go of our past, the stories that hold us back, and learn to trust ourselves and have faith in our own wisdom.

We begin week one by delving deep into our connection with the modern world and examining our relationship with diet. We will uncover the hidden truths about today’s food, hormones, gut health, and even our own DNA. These revelations will shed light on our potential to finally overcome the seemingly eternal battles we face. Throughout this week, we will explore the vast depths of knowledge surrounding these topics and discover how they can significantly impact our lives. Together, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery, armed with valuable insights that can guide us towards a healthier and more fulfilling existence.