Weekly Reiki Distance Energy Healing

$97.00 / month


Reiki directly translates to “Life Force Energy” or “Universal Energy” from its origin in Japanese alternative healing practices. Receiving Reiki from an ethical practitioner offers only support and solutions without risk. Its my pleasure to offer this monthly healing subscription to all as Reiki can and has supported many as an integrative and/or complimentary therapy while striving for more confidence, freedom and support in your journey forth.

Reiki is known to support everyone, of any age, in any area of your life’s adventure. Assisting and guiding you by releasing all that no longer serves you, creating space for the lighter side and beauty of life as is meant.

Receive your weekly Reiki session on auto… signing up for this membership you will receive weekly Reiki initiations with daily downloads and upgrades throughout as meant for you personally. These sessions require no personal attendance, simply setting your intention and opening to receive your personal healing through these sessions allows your initiations to flow to you, in and of YOUR highest good.

These Reiki sessions include weekly energy scans, concentrated energy to release emotional and physical blockages and ailments, Chakra cleansing, balancing and alignment which provides you an opportunity to flow and grow uniquely and independently as you are meant, and closes with a blessing that all of life comes to you in Ease, Joy and Grace.

*low income accommodations may be made upon request


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